
St. Mark’s CE Primary School
Wood Terrace
Shelton, Stoke on Trent
Staffordshire ST1 4LR

Main Primary Site Office at St. Mark’s
All enquiries contact Mrs L. Bloore, School Business Manager, at:
Telephone/Fax: 01782 234411

Nursery Class
All enquiries contact Mrs S. Malik, Home School Link worker, at:
Telephone: 01782 237125
Fax: 01782 237104

Headteacher: Mrs D. Sadler
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs S. Goodwin

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss J. Thomas who can be contacted via the main primary site office email and telephone.

If you require any paper copies of the information on our website, please contact the school office. There will be no charge.

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