School Uniform

All children are expected to wear the school uniform listed below:

  • White polo shirt – available from most supermarkets and department stores.
  • Royal Blue Sweatshirt/Cardigan with the school logo available from the school office.
  • Sweatshirt £11.00 /Cardigan £13.00
  • Black or grey Shalwar Kameez
  • Headscarves can be worn in black, white or royal blue
  • Black/Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
  • Black sensible shoes. (Not training shoes)
  • Book Bag – £5.00 from the school office

All children from Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear the following P.E kit. (Not required for Nursery Class)

  • Plain white T-Shirt
  • Black leggings or jogging bottoms (winter) or black shorts (spring/summer)
  • Training shoes (winter)
  • Black pumps (summer)
  • Headscarves need to be fitted if worn


File Type Subject Date Posted
St. Mark’s CE Primary School Uniform Policy September 2023

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