
Please click on the following links to view/save our current policies:

Admission Policies
File Type Subject Date Posted
School Admissions Policy 2023-2024 January 2022
School Admissions Policy 2024-2025 February 2024
School Admissions Policy 2025-2026 February 2024
Stoke-on-Trent School Admissions Information & Policies
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Go to Stoke-on-Trent School Admissions Information
Go to Stoke-on-Trent School Admissions Policies
St. Mark’s CE Primary School Policies
File Type Subject Approved
Assessment for Learning Policy June 2023
Attendance Policy January 2024
Charging and Remissions Policy November 2022
Complaints Procedure September 2023
Dealing with Aggressive Parents Policy June 2023
Education of Children in Care Policy October 2023
English as an Additional Language Policy June 2023
Homework Policy July 2023
Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy October 2023
New Arrivals and Induction Policy January 2024
Outdoor Learning Policy June 2023
Parent, Carer and Visitor Code of Conduct and Behaviour on School Premises Policy December 2023
Single Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan (Main Site) October 2022
Single Equality Scheme and Accessibility Plan (Nursery Class) October 2022
SEN Policy (Including Nursery) November 2023
SEN Information Report (Including Nursery) November 2023
Uniform Policy September 2023
Curriculum Policies
File Type Subject Approved
British Values Policy June 2023
Collective Worship Policy November 2023
Growing Up and Getting On Education Policy (also known as RSE Policy) September 2023
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Policy September 2023
Religious Education Policy October 2023
Safeguarding Policies
File Type Subject Approved
Anti Bullying Policy October 2023
Behaviour Management Policy October 2023
Child on Child Abuse Policy November 2023
Confidential Reporting (Whistle Blowing) Procedure September 2021
Drug and Substance Misuse Policy March 2024
Educational Visits Policy November 2023
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy November 2023
Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy (DfE) September 2023
Online Safety Policy September 2023
Personal Care Policy September 2023
Physical Intervention and Restraint Policy January 2024
Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation in Education Settings Policy September 2023
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures September 2023
Safeguarding and Child Protection (COVID-19 Addendum) April 2020
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy February 2023
Working Together to Safeguard Children March 2019
The Prevent Duty Guidance January 2024

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