Year 3

Academic Year 2023/2024

Summer in Year 3

Summer 1 – DT

3C made moving pictures based on previous learning. Some children chose to make an erupting volcano, while others made pictures relating to the Iron Man story. Every was able to use levers and pulleys to bring their pictures to life (pictures attached)

Summer 2 – Science

The children had a special visit from the explorerdome, which helped with their understanding of light and shadows. They were able to create shadows and understand that shadows are the absence of light and also explain how light always travels in a straight line (picture attached)

Summer 2 – Song birds

Year 3 took part in the city music song birds performance on 24th June. Over the last few weeks, children have worked hard to learn the lyrics and actions to many different summer songs, including let’s go fly a kite!


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Year Learn About Mummification

During our history lesson this week, 3C recreated the mummification process. One child, per group, role played as a dead Pharaoh, while everyone else prepared the mummy. By the end of the lesson, our Pharaohs were ready for their journey to the afterlife.


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Year 3 Explore the Ancient Egyptians

To introduce our history topic this half term, children took part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop. In the morning, they became archaeologists, digging for Ancient Egyptian artefacts, dressed up in Ancient Egyptian clothing and headdress, before watching the mummification process of a ‘dead’ Pharaoh. In the afternoon, children used reed pens and ink to complete a portrait, then decoded hieroglyphics. To finish of the day, children went hunting with bow and arrows, some even taking down hippos and crocodiles!


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Academic Year 2022/2023

Year 3 Visit Liverpool

On Tuesday 31st January 2023, Year 3 went to Liverpool! We were looking at the geographical features in the area, such as the River Mersey and the Docks.

After exploring the area, where we saw lots of the famous landmarks, we learnt about imports and exports and presented our individual learning to the class. It was interesting to find out that pottery from Stoke-on-Trent was exported around the world and products such as sugar and cotton were imported from other countries.


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Year 3 Visit the Forest School

On Tuesday 17th January 2023, Year 3 walked all the way to Staffordshire University to meet Dr Jane and her fabulous team of forestry experts. During our time, we foraged for natural materials so that we could create creatures we might find on an adventure…

Then we went on a walk along windy paths, stepping over tree roots and looking out for different birds. It was so cold, we found ice along the path and parts of the pond was frozen!

Finally, we listened to a story about the Pagan Tradition of Imbolc, which celebrates the first day of Spring. When this festival is celebrated, people make dolls out of natural materials so this was our next task…

Our trip to the forest school was great because we were able to make links with our past topic about plants, because we were looking at how different plants grow in different areas and we also thought about the natural foods the Early Britons might have hunted for. Everyone in Year 3 would like to say a huge thank you to the team at Staffordshire University for such an amazing day!


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